Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Living with Dad I get to hear all of his constant babbling, most of which makes no sense. Today he asked me to bring him all of his bachwan (kids). I said which ones, he said all of those little kids that I have. He asked "Where did they all go? They must be playing." Isn't that the cutest thing.

I'm not a parent, so I don't know what it must feel like to be reunited with your kids every evening after a long day at work. I just know that Rekha coming to Boitano on some random day makes all of our day. Can you imagine how dad used to feel as he headed home, knowing that at home awaited seven children. I mean that must been something.

I guess he still thinks of us as little bachwans. So precious.


  1. I still feel like a bachwan. I miss Daddio :(

  2. I think he probably got pretty nervous. We'd ransack him for any pens, pencils, or notebooks. We'd take everything he had!

    Remember Fridays! He'd make us all line up and give us allowance. $1! I remember at one point I had $800 in ones, he took me to the bank and opened an account for me.

    Those were simpler times.


  3. Wait, you had $800? WTF? I got jipped. I remember allowance days. Pinki would always get the most...Maybe because she would always have the best grades? HAHA!

  4. He must have been excited to eat Mom's dinner, have all of us sitting around him in a circle eating and listening to Peter Jenning's world news updates. Those were much simpler times..

  5. Do you remember when we used to sit at the table and Dad would sit on the ground. Mom was at work. He wouldn't let us leave until we finished everything off of our plate...His plate would always be so clean.
