Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Did they make the grade?

As parents, Anish and I have been working quite hard at providing our daughter everything we think she needs to be happy (confidence, love, attention, experiences) and we spend an INSANE amount of time making sure we are doing a good job.  We read parenting books, read blogs, analyze every Rekha move to see if this is a reaction to something... and at the end of the day we grade ourselves on how we did.   In contrast I reflect on how my parents handled the whole parenting task.  I don't think my parents thought at all.  Of course they had 7 kids to raise so they would go crazy if they thought about each of us as much as I think about Rekha.  But in retrospect, my parents didnt plan, didnt purposely do things with us to boost confidence, and certainly didnt read any parenting books.  At the end of their day I am sure they just passed out from exhaustion rather than grading themselves.  So did they do a good job? What grade would I give them? Not sure....

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