Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dad In My Head

I, as well, often wonder what feedback/advice Dad would've given us at this stage of our life. I'm sure he would have a million things to say to the Prasad's who have started their own businesses (given his own hand at building up Microlane) or those of us who have remained in Corporate America (I think he probably worked at every Fortune 100 company in the Bay Area at one point or the other :) ).

I would do anything to see his expression on when I found out I got a job at Google. I can only imagine/hear him saying "GOOGLE! Mar dhiya haath!"

But I know everything happens for a reason, and even if he isn't guiding us as he used to, with his actual voice, he definitely is guiding is in our heads. We all can hear how he'd react to different situations in our own heads, and even mirror his reaction making Dad still a reality.

I do miss Dad as well, but I am grateful that I can still hear him in my head, guiding me with the wisdom he instilled in me and us for the first 20 something years of our lives. I hope to have even a percentage of this type of impact on my kids.

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