Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Dad!

Year after year, Dad always had the same reaction to us greeting him on Father's Day:

Us: Happy Father's Day Dad!
Him: Am I your Dad? (Jokingly of course)
Us: DAAADDDDDD! (Annoyed)

Today as Dad walked down from his room, I said "Happy Father's Day Dad!" to which he looked at me and didn't respond. The ironic thing is, in his head he was probably thinking "Am I your Dad?". Boy did I miss and long for his usual reaction.

I hope that he knows how much we love him and how much we appreciate everything he has done for us. He is such a superman figure in our lives and I am glad we celebrate this day to honor him and all of the other amazing Father's out there. They really do deserve one day of the year to be named after them.

Dad, I missed your sarcastic reaction today. I hope you can remember us giving you our school made presents, or the yearly Levis jeans + collared shirt that Mom would buy you every year for us to give you. We remember all circling around you, handing it to you, and you opening it so carefully pretending to not know what was in there. (Only to get the same present year after year :) )

I hope you can feel the appreciation that we have towards your love for books and how you have instilled that in each one of us. I hope know what a sense of family you have built into each one of us. Mostly I hope you know that you love for adventure and taking chances is instilled deeply in each one of us. And we'd like to Thank you for that amongst many other things.

So to all the Dad's out there, Happy Father's Day. Thank you for everything you do. You make the world go round!

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