Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The careless parent

We never had any rules growing up.  In fact, till this day the Prasad kids do what they want. My parents never yelled at us for leaving our clothes on the floor, or not cleaning up after ourselves.  We never had a bedtime, or chores or any rules to follow.  My parents would let us do what we wanted and when we wanted.  The only thing we had to do was get good grades in school.  It was a must for us to be #1 in our class.  We could wear makeup in gradeschool and not get in trouble, but if we brought home a B on our test we would be busted.  I always thought my parents were careless parents because they didnt micro-manage us growing up.  But the truth of the matter is they did manage us.  They managed us the correct way by instilling a sense of a team in us.  We moved around so much, it was hard to make friends and keep friends.  But we had each other.

I always remeber when my parents moved to the Mission Hills and yet again, I was about to be a new kid at a new school.  I was pretty upset.  This was my 6th new school during my Grade school years and I didn't want to go.  My Dad sat with me and while I cried and fussed he said some profound things to me.  "Sandhya, The people that make it big in life know how to adapt to these changes. This is your chance to do very well at a very good school.  No one is better than you and if you can make it at this school, you can make it anywhere"  Here is a man who left his country and lived on the streets adapting to change every second of his life.  He has no reason to understand my anguish.  I am about to go to the best school in Fremont and frankly, from his point of view, I should be thrilled.   It was this ego-boosting conversation that was instilled in me again and again.  And probably the one conversation I have in my head again and again everytime I feel like I am about to fail.

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